Predict age for the specified user | age_predict |
Checks the friendship status between two users | areFriends |
Returns a list of comments on a topic on a community's discussion board | boardGetComments |
Returns a list of comments on a topic on a community's discussion board | boardGetCommentsExecute |
Returns a list of comments on a community's discussion board | boardGetCommentsList |
Clear text | clear_text |
Check if collection exists | collection_exists |
Create empty collection | create_empty_collection |
Returns list of chairs on a specified faculty | databaseGetChairs |
Returns a list of cities | databaseGetCities |
Returns information about cities by their IDs | databaseGetCitiesById |
Returns a list of countries | databaseGetCountries |
Returns information about countries by their IDs | databaseGetCountriesById |
Returns a list of faculties (i.e., university departments) | databaseGetFaculties |
Returns a list of regions | databaseGetRegions |
Returns a list of available classes | databaseGetSchoolClasses |
Returns a list of schools | databaseGetSchools |
Returns information about streets by their IDs | databaseGetStreetsById |
Returns a list of higher education institutions | databaseGetUniversities |
Drop database | db_drop |
Drop collection | db_drop_collection |
Get collection | db_get_collection |
Get a mongo connection object | db_get_connection |
The current database name | db_getActive |
The current database name | db_getName |
Initialize database | db_init |
Insert object into existing collection | db_insert |
Load all collections from db for specified data base | db_load |
Load collection from db | db_load_collection |
Get meta connection | db_metaConnection |
Save object to db | db_save |
Update existing records | db_update |
A universal method for calling a sequence of other methods while saving and filtering interim results | execute |
Filtering attachments by type | filterAttachments |
Get stop words list for russian language | get_stop_words |
Get access token | getAccessToken |
Building a friend graph for an arbitrary list of users | getArbitraryNetwork |
Get country ID and title by given city ID | getCountryByCityId |
Building a friend graph | getEgoNetwork |
Returns a list of user IDs or detailed information about a user's friends | getFriends |
Returns a list of friends IDs for the specified users | getFriendsBy25 |
Returns a list of friends IDs for the specified users | getFriendsFor |
Returns a list of the communities to which a user belongs | getGroups |
Returns information about communities by their IDs | getGroupsById |
Returns a list of the communities for the specified users | getGroupsForUsers |
Returns a list of community members | getGroupsMembers |
Returns a list of community members | getGroupsMembersExecute |
Returns a list of user IDs of the mutual friends of two users | getMutual |
Returns a list of user IDs of the mutual friends of two users | getMutualExecute |
Returns a list of paths between two users | getPaths |
Returns data required to show the status of a users and/or communities | getStatus |
Returns a list of topics on a community's discussion board | getTopics |
Returns a list of topics on a community's discussion board | getTopicsExecute |
Extract URLs from messages | getURLs |
Returns detailed information on users | getUsers |
Returns detailed information on arbitrary number of users | getUsersExecute |
Returns a list of posts on a user wall or community wall | getWall |
Returns a list of posts on a user wall or community wall | getWallExecute |
Returns a list of communities matching the search criteria | groupsSearch |
Captcha error handler | handle_captcha |
Validation error handler | handle_validation |
Get error code from response | has_error |
Returns a list of IDs of users who added the specified object to their Likes list | likesGetList |
Returns a list of IDs of users who added the specified objects to their Likes list | likesGetListForObjects |
Returns current user ID | me |
Returns a list of the current user's incoming or outgoing private messages | messagesGet |
Returns message history for the specified user or group chat | messagesGetHistory |
Returns all message history for the specified user or group chat | messagesGetHistoryAll |
Returns message history for the specified user or group chat | messagesGetHistoryExecute |
Sends a message. | messagesSend |
Split messages by days, weeks, months | messagesSplitByDate |
Returns search results by statuses | newsfeedSearch |
Logical or operator | or |
Returns a list of comments on a post on a user wall or community wall | postGetComments |
Helper function for working with profile fields | profile_fields |
Returns a query string | queryBuilder |
Repeat last function call | repeat_last_query |
Delaying a request if necessary | request_delay |
Converts the given igraph object to GEXF format and saves it at the given filepath location | saveAsGEXF |
Allows the programmer to do a quick search for any substring | search.getHints |
Set access token | setAccessToken |
Set API version | setAPIVersion |
Set maximum number of repeats | setRepeats |
Set timeout | setTimeout |
Show collections | show_collections |
Show databases | show_dbs |
Returns user id by tag | tag2Id |
Check response for errors | try_handle_error |
Try to handle network error | try_handle_network_error |
Switch database | use_db |
Returns a list of IDs of followers of the user in question, sorted by date added, most recent first | usersGetFollowers |
Returns a list of IDs of users and communities followed by the user | usersGetSubscriptions |
Returns a list of users matching the search criteria | usersSearch |
Custom error | vk_stop |
Apply a method over a vector of objects | vkApply |
Client authorization | vkOAuth |
Client authorization (for web application) | vkOAuthWeb |
Create post object | vkPost |
Access to VK API via R | vkR |
Returns a list of posts from user or community walls by their IDs | wallGetById |
Returns a list of comments on a post on a user wall or community wall | wallGetComments |
Returns a list of comments on a user wall or community wall | wallGetCommentsList |
Returns information about reposts of a post on user wall or community wall | wallGetReposts |
Allows to search posts on user or community walls | wallSearch |